Stylus Socks II

Stylus Socks
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Wanna bring your touch experience to the next level? Meet the Stylus Socks II. A sibling of the original Stylus Socks, but with thicker conductive fabric and more extensive fabrication. And with a US and EU fulfillment spot, we offer fast and continuous world wide shipping (we'll pick the best spot depending on your location). The Stylus Socks are hand-sewed and made from highly conductive fabric for an amazing smooth touch experience. It comes wrapped around a KOH-I-NOOR pen holder, but feel free to wrap it around any pen shape you like. A felt top is added to the pen holder for extra smoothness. Weighs only six grams including the pen holder, no pressure required when pointing or drawing on the screen and no drag due to the use of this fabric! Typical apps on the iPad for a great Stylus Socks experience are Adobe Ideas (free), AnimationDesk, ArtRage, ArtStudio, Brushes, Doodle Buddy (free), MUJI Notebook, Notes Plus, Noteshelf, Penultimate, Remote Palette and SketchBook Pro. Main feature summary: - highly conductive fabric - lightweight (only 6 grams including the pen holder) - real pen grip (not just a tiny stick) - no drag - no pressure required

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