Stylus Socks Pro

Stylus Socks Pro
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Stylus Socks Pro for iPad with the conductive fabric stylus sock concept; no drag, no pressure. In our quest to create the most precise stylus possible for today's capacitive touch screens, we're happy to bring you the Stylus Socks Pro. With a 40% smaller tip than the already very comfortable Stylus Socks II, the Pro is ideal for note taking and fine drawing on your iPad and other touch devices. So if you wanna go paperless, this is your stylus! With a US and EU fulfillment spot, we offer fast, flat-fee and continuous world wide shipping (we'll pick the best spot depending on your location). The main Stylus Socks concept still applies; a hand-sewed sock of highly conductive fabric wrapped around a pen holder. This time, it's a wooden handle from a German brushes manufacturer who offered a custom version for the Stylus Socks Pro. A felt top is added to the handle for extra smoothness. Weighs only five grams including the handle, no pressure required when pointing or moving on the screen and no drag due to the use of this fabric. Typical apps on the iPad for a great Stylus Socks experience are Adobe Ideas (free), AnimationDesk, ArtRage, ArtStudio, Brushes, Doodle Buddy (free), MUJI Notebook, Notes Plus, Noteshelf, Penultimate, Remote Palette and SketchBook Pro.

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